" to my better half "....isnt dat wat most of us, both single and some married souls, are searching for.....be it around a corner or under a pebble....the next guy or gal dat one wen on a date with, may not need to be in almost similar "measurement" as the previous failed ones....i met someone today whose smiles and endearing glances to my galfren, make me laugh with tears in my eyes...it is dat simple yet meaningful body-language dat EVERYONE need to receive....this reminded me of a simple act by a husband whose wife was adamant not to take her medication..seeing dat she was getting more worked-up, the husband kissed her gently on her forehead...she calm down immediately....my heart cried..........earlier today, someone's 2 mins plea for a longer conversation had to be spoiled with an acknowledgment of someone into the conversation........it hurts to hear the constant and silent reminder of where she is.................happy 31 birthday to me......