i just deleted a posted entry because it was written in so much anger and frustration...i even rattle about wanting to hit on the library PC for being far too slow and an inkling to start a nasty conversation with an innocent young man, who was sitting beside me, making strange "noises" dat was too much for me to bear.......so much of anger in a petite me...accumulation, wat can i say...i kinda "lost" it today...there wasnt anything physical for me to lash on and i cant be screaming my hearts out because i was at a public place....it was almost similar amount of anger that had me lashed on someone close, many years ago......my anger was so bad dat i regrettably pulled the hair and set the tea flying......i was so lucky that i didnt get a BAD physical counter-act...n i suppose i wouldn't have cared if there was....but the act was witness by 3 others who were as shocked as me!!!!!! i dunt want to dwell on dat too much because there are issues that i still have not resolve with myself....let me continue to jog "away", too much of hurt........so 2day, the conflicting of opinions, with not much of understanding from the other party, pressed very much on my anger pressure points.....not able to accommodate my views on a matter of safety......i suppose there are other reasons dat im not aware off..........watever-lah.........i had my 2 packets of durians, i have 2 more........ :)