i have a close friend who is constantly battling within herself with her love-life decisions...there are so many moments that she wan to "throw in the towel"............2day and few days after will be exceptionally hard on her because her "other half" will be driving off to a place without her.....a place that she plan to go with him initially.....miskin......but seriously, how to have a tiny bite of a cake wen u cant and wont seems to have a chance to taste the cake in the first place as the cake was baked by someone else.................found dis poem in the web, seems true to wat she been feeling, constantly..............dunt cry crabby....
Do you know a secret ?
I write you letters every day.
But you know that I can't post them,
I wish there was another way.
You are so close,
but yet so very, very far,
because there is a chasm between us,
you can't just drive there in a car.
So now I'm the "other woman",
stuck at home while you go out,
left wondering what the hell,
what is this all about ?
You know I love you madly,
and I believe you love me too,
but this is so very hard,
do you know what I'm going through ?
I lay alone and awake at night,
thinking of you lying there with your wife,
it is then I wish it was different,
it is then that I wish for a different life.
And then I dream about us together,
as I finally drift off to sleep,
and in that dream we don't make promises,
that we don't think that we can keep.............................