The other nite, there was dis beautiful elderly lady who came back from hip surgery at 2 in the morning, started to pack her things because she wanted to go home...her reason was dat her husband gave her clear instructions to come home immediately after she had collected her medication from the hospital.......So sweet rite?? even if the altered mental status dat she had, could be due to the post-anesthesia, its got to be one of the priceless instructions given to her by her late husband.......she must be thinking dat her husband is very worry dat she havent come home and dat she have disobey him....i had to be the "bad" misi to stop her from going back home to her lovely "memories".... she was cursing and swearing at me.....i was like dat few days ago.......but mine was "stabbed" at someone who is very much alive, helpless and miserable as me, even more......i failed to think of the other side of the coin ....have to find other means to breathe with an empty tank, every day......i noe u too.....MELIJU TE