........2 days ago while i was on the way to work, as i was walking towards the A&E department, i noticed a small commotion...a doctor and 2 nurses came out from their hectic P1 area to the ambulance bay, attending to someone in a cab...i was suspecting a lady in labour at the passenger seat but why was it dat the medical personnel's are strangely "calm".....den as my path and the view of the taxi crossed...i was seriously troubled by wat i saw.....i saw a malay lady in maybe late 30s to early 40s...sitting "calmly" with her eyes closed, cradling a naked baby...a very pale looking infant with puffy closed eyes....my tears and heart wen out to the lady dat was cradling him...all my innate senses tells me dat the baby is not with us any more and the lady must have realized dat too...so did the taxi driver who must have felt very helpless....i wonder how their paths crossed??? wen i reached the ward, obviously late....the image of him was very much pronounced though-out the shift of dat day till today..............