Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Pulau Tioman...Diving trip was an "intense" physical and mental "torture" during the diving trip......But it was fun towards the end of each day.....the 3 silly gals, somehow, manage to get their act together to jump into the sea, with the mask and fins only......we literally exchange looks of fear to each other before the jump, wen we got to noe dat our BCDs will be thrown to the sea, without us hook to them.......because seriously, we are not dat good of a swimmer so the idea of DROWNING is HUGE!!!!!!!!!!!........but kudos to us, we survive..........regarding the bleeding thingy....i had nose bleed for all the 5 dives i did., but the amount of blood was smaller on the last 2 dives....i was grateful dat there was no nurse shark for each time i was bleeding.....but seriously, in the midst of trying to get the fins moving "gracefully" and maintaining the buoyancy, trying hard not to crack anymore of the corals and landed myself onto the sea-urchins, experiencing the intense bilateral ear pain due to the difference in the pressure, the "people" in the sea are left ear is aching...........................SKY DIVING NEXT!!!!!