i cant imagine dat i had to stay for an extra 2hrs to sort out with the computer guy for my passwords and user id...let me tell u after dat 2 hours, im still clueless..i had to make another attempt again sometime tomorrow with the computer person again..how i wish he can do everything again for me..let me see if i can use some of my charms on him ( i got no choice!!)..the other day wen i was being audited by a bunch of auditors on finding SOP through the hospital website...guess wat, i fumble.. hey, i was working bloody hard on dat morning and i was given a notice of them coming like 2hr before...so with my sweaty uniform ( i think i fold-up my uniform sleeves, like "gangster" like dat), i "confidently" went up to them, with thoughts of " DAMN IT!!! F@#K!!! SHIT!!!Noraiza u are in for a tough ride!!!!".........
then yesterday, wen someone was asking me for how to find this and this though the same website, i can SHOW!!! WOW!!!!!..i guess, for someone like ME, the person who is going to teach me have to learn how to speak in my "English"..same goes in counting money......hhhhhhhmmmmmmm...no wonder im not getting any richer.. No Worries